Lilypie 5th Birthday Ticker
Lilypie 6th to 18th Ticker

Thursday, August 30, 2007

Dress up day with Friends

Today, Heidy's friends Maci and Mady came over. They decided to play dress up. Mady's mom and I took them outside and took pictures.

This is Mady and Heidy looking like divas.

Mady is like our granddaughter. Her mommy is our daughter Milady's age.

Heidy all decked out.

Maci wasn't sure what to think of all this.

I love this of Maci trying to put on glasses.

Look at us!!!

Another view.....

Precious aren't they?

Mady being silly.

This is fun Mommy!!

Maci not really cooperating.

Here we are... the future Miss America's

Heidy kissing Mady


Last one Mom!

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Are ya Ready for some Football??????????

The first football game of the season at our high school. Here are the two newest cheerleaders!! Heidy and Maci!! It was so hot, had been over 101 today and so I braided Heidy's hair. Actually by game time, which was pushed back because of heat, the temp wasn't too bad.

Heidy was supposed to be watching the football game with Ryan's binoculars but instead she was trying to see me! We were a little too close!!!

Now she is concentrating on the footb ball game. She was probably watching the cheerleaders instead. She kept asking why they were doing a certain jump or a certain cheer. Then she would do her own!

Mommy and her little cheerleader!!! She kept throwing her arms up and saying "Go Aces!!"

This is our football field, it is called the Snake Pit. Our stadium is built out of concrete steps in the side of a huge hill. We are pretty high up, probably top 1/3 of the stadium.

The band at half time!

Toward the end of the game, eating popcorn. Her eyes are getting tired!!!

In the end we won the game and we all had fun!!!

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Heidy's Moon

About 1 year ago tonight Heidy had been home a little less than 5 months. Heidy and I were taking a walk with a friend and her daughter. She was just looking around and saw the moon that was almost full and said "Whats that?" Carla said the moon. Heidy replied to her "Heidy want that" I explained that it was God's moon and she couldn't have it. She said again. "Heidy want it". I explained again that the moon belonged to God but He lets us look at it. Well, we ended up having to distract her attention from the moon because she was determined it was hers. A few days later was a high school football game, which we usually go to. She was sitting on Gina's lap and saw the full moon come up across the football field and said to Gina "That Heidy's moon" Gina started teasing her "No, it's my moon" They probably did that 5 or 6 times with Heidy saying "No it's Heidy's moon" each time. Heidy was getting tired of it and looked around and saw Donnie (Gina's husband) and said "No, not 'ina's moon, it's Donnie and Heidy's moon". Gina was floored that first of all, Heidy was teasing about it and the second that Heidy used her own husband against her in her teasing!! It was so funny.

You know there are kids that want to reach for the stars. Well, my daughter Heidy Lynn Susana, wants the moon!!! She is so determined, I think she will get it someday.

She still loves the moon and we went tonight to eat with some friends and on the way home she told me "Mommy, my moon is back" and now, I don't argue or try to explain that it's not hers, I just say " Yes, Heidy it is"

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wedding Saga Part 4

Yesterday Heidy and I were lying on the couch talking and watching some TV, a rerun of Saved By the Bell, I think. Heidy asked, "Does Jason have a jacket?" I wondered what kind of jacket. She told me "One to wear to our wedding". I asked her if she meant a suit and she said "yes". She wanted him to wear a suit to their wedding. With Jason now gone back to college, I think he is safe for awhile. That girl and her BIG plans!!

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

The Gymnast Heidy

This evening Miss Heidy started gymnastics!! It's a mom and tot class, which means we have to be out in the middle of things to help corral the girls if needed. Of course, I grabbed my camera on the way out the door!!

Doing a front roll...


Trying to do a hand stand.
A back flip eventually!!

They had to put their hands in the hula hoop and jump around it with their legs, it helps with cartwheels. Of course, when Heidy was done she wanted to hula hoop too!!!

Hanging on the uneven bars. This is the low one. Look at the concentration on her face.

Jumping on the trampoline. Heidy did this the best! :) They were to jump 3 times then land on their bottom and back on their feet. She did it a few times!!! We do have a trampoline at home, so maybe that is why!

When class is over, they take them to the cartwheel mat and have them to do a gymnastic position. Today was the squat. hmmmm should I mention, Heidy was the only one who did it???

This was fun, I am looking forward to her taking gymnastics for years to come!! They were supposed to wear loose shorts and a t shirt which Heidy did, but the other little girls had leotards on soooooooo next week she will have one too!!

Monday, August 20, 2007

Caught up

I think I am now caught up with my posts, from my computer being messed up! I had to go all the way back to mid July.

Saturday, August 18, 2007

Riding the John Deere Gator

After helping her Papa run his errands, Heidy decided to ride the Gator before swimming!! Here she is waving " Hi Mommy!!"Look how hard she is concentrating on going around the trampoline.

I love this face, after Mark put it on the faster speed!! It's concentration along with wheeeeeee.


If you can't read her shirt, it's from Old Navy, and it says Sassy Senorita and boy does it fit!!! :-)

Heidy's Room

Someone asked to see Heidy's room. My daughter Milady drew the items on the walls and I helped paint them. I think it turned out well. I made the curtains and added to the pillow shams. I am thinking of changing hercomforters to white. We still have the bed railings because she is all over the place when she sleeps!!! Above her curtains is her name in white wooden letters dotted with pink polka dots.

We have a small black poodle, but Milady made this one and the other one more the size of a standard poodle.

The little pink and black hat on the hall tree is copied after one we brought home from Guatemala for Heidy.

Here is the princess in her room..... The black and white picture you can't see well, Jordan, our son took soon after Heidy came home and framed it for me. She is squatting down in the grass and looking at something, so the picture is from the back. I love it!!!

Friday, August 17, 2007

First Day of School

First day of school for the year 2007-2008. Skyler is a Freshman and Heidy is in preschool.

Heidy on her way into the preschool, Wee Care.

Heidy by her folder where her papers are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday when I pick her up at 11:30.

Mom, Please, I am done posing!!!

Here's looking at ya mom!!

Can you tell she is going to love going to her preschool!!! I love this face!!!

After it was over and I went to pick her up, one of the first things she told me was "Don't touch that" Pointing to the fire alarm. She told me like 3 times. I asked "Why?" She said "Because the fireman would come and he would be mad!!" I about died laughing! Natalie told me that they were all very interested in the fire alarm so they had a talk about it.

Well, on the way to show her Papa her picture, she told me about her day. Did you have fun? Yes it was fun! Did you cry? No, but that boy did. What boy? THAT boy. Ok. (like I knew what boy!! NOT) What all did you do? Played with toys and Nat Nat read a book. (The Kissing Hand. The book is about a raccoon who didn't want to go to pre school, but ended up liking it) Did Nat Nat have to say Be quiet Heidy? Slowly she looked down, Yeah. Well, Heidy we have to get where Nat Nat doesn't have to say that. OK Mommy. Now, if it's only that simple!! We will see!!

Papa loved the picture his little princess colored at school on her first day of pre school. (It was casual Friday, he usually has on a suit and tie.)