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Friday, August 17, 2007

First Day of School

First day of school for the year 2007-2008. Skyler is a Freshman and Heidy is in preschool.

Heidy on her way into the preschool, Wee Care.

Heidy by her folder where her papers are every Monday, Wednesday and Friday when I pick her up at 11:30.

Mom, Please, I am done posing!!!

Here's looking at ya mom!!

Can you tell she is going to love going to her preschool!!! I love this face!!!

After it was over and I went to pick her up, one of the first things she told me was "Don't touch that" Pointing to the fire alarm. She told me like 3 times. I asked "Why?" She said "Because the fireman would come and he would be mad!!" I about died laughing! Natalie told me that they were all very interested in the fire alarm so they had a talk about it.

Well, on the way to show her Papa her picture, she told me about her day. Did you have fun? Yes it was fun! Did you cry? No, but that boy did. What boy? THAT boy. Ok. (like I knew what boy!! NOT) What all did you do? Played with toys and Nat Nat read a book. (The Kissing Hand. The book is about a raccoon who didn't want to go to pre school, but ended up liking it) Did Nat Nat have to say Be quiet Heidy? Slowly she looked down, Yeah. Well, Heidy we have to get where Nat Nat doesn't have to say that. OK Mommy. Now, if it's only that simple!! We will see!!

Papa loved the picture his little princess colored at school on her first day of pre school. (It was casual Friday, he usually has on a suit and tie.)


Mackinac-opoly said...

What a sweetheart! I love that part about the fire alarm - we have to have that talk with the preschoolers at church, too. :-)

Kelly said...

I am SO glad to see that Miss. Heidy LOVES school. She is going to learn many new things and make tons of friends. By the way Miss. Heidy I LOVE the picture you colored. Can you teach me to color that pretty? Have FUN!!
God Bless,