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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Like me? -- Another Heidyism

As some of you know, I really want to adopt a little girl from Ethiopia and we ARE praying about it. If we do, we would like to adopt a little girl close to Heidy's age.

Every day, Heidy prays for "my sissy from 'Afaca' named Eden". She will pray that her sissy isn't "crying for her mommy and daddy". She will pray that Eden has food. But most of all she prays Eden will come home. Heidy wants her to be age 3 or 4. We were cleaning up her room the other day and making beds and rearranging her closet (yes, to get all the clothes and shoes in!) She was helping and we were just talking, and she said, "Mommy, does my sissy in 'Afaca' have brown skin like me?" I said "Yes she does" Heidy started jumping up and down clapping and cheering, "YEAH!!!!" She really liked that fact!!

I just smiled.


Dawn said...

Sounds like someone needs to get some paperwork started! ;)

Julie (Bailey and Gavin's Mommy !) said...

Heidy you are such a sweetheart... I hope and pray your sissy is there playing with you soon.
God Bless-

Becca said...

How sweet. Sound like you've got some work to do!