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Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Tumble Bears and "Tormados"

Heidy got promoted in gymnastics. It isn't "Mom and Tot" classes anymore. It is the "Tumble Bears" and I don't have to help!! I just get to watch. I love it!! We go on Tuesdays at 4:15 And tonight while we were there we had a tornado warning and the gals at the gymnastics told us and asked me if I thought we should get everyone in the inner bathroom. I said YES!! So we went in the bathroom for about 30 minutes!! It was cute though, she tried to make it fun until the power went off. She told the kids that we were going to party in the bathroom!!! We never saw a tornado, but I went outside (no, I'm not usually so brave) to see what was going on, there was hail on the cars and the clouds were terrible!! It was kind of scary!!! Afterwards the gal said, thanks for helping me, I sort of freaked out, I said it was fine I was a seasoned mom! (not old) I can understand why she did, having all the kids under her care! Thank God nothing happened, He is good! Heidy is telling everyone she sees that we had a "tormado".

Heidy doing a cartwheel......

It was very dry in there and look at Heidy's hair!!

A round off...

Practicing the balance beam...

Trying a handstand..

She is doing it!!

The bars, that is her favorite!

Doing the Straddle on the bar!!
She loves gymnastics!!


Shari said...

A tornado in January...that's crazy!

Becca said...

Debbie - I missed these pics when they were first posted. I LOVE them. They need to be made into a mini-book! Talk to you soon!

Peace and Hugs,

Julie (Bailey and Gavin's Mommy !) said...

How exciting (the gymnastics that is)! Talented and Adorable !
God Bless-