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Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Sept. 11, 2001 and Sept. 11, 2005 (long)

6 years ago, I will never forget the day. I turned on the TV and the first tower had been hit by a plane. Everyone was just hoping it was an accident. Then a little while later the second tower was hit and everyone knew it wasn't. I sat in front of my TV, broken and crying. The twin towers in New York City were attacked. I had never been there but Mark had. I sat and watched over and over, the replays of the towers getting hit by airplanes and crash to the ground, trying to figure out what happened and who was responsible. I remember praying for people I didn't even know, to find other people I didn't even know. I prayed for the rescue workers to not be hurt. I was sad for the people who lost family members, I was sad for the children who lost parents and for the parents who lost children and for the husbands who lost wives and the wives who lost husbands. I was sad for the rescue workers that lost fellow workers. It made no sense!!! I was sad for the kids who were in school and watched this unfold in their classes. Our son, Jordan, was away at college, I called and told him about it and talked a bit, and told him I loved him. Our oldest daughter, Milady, was home for a Doctor's appointment that morning and we watched it some and I told her I loved her, before she went back to school. My daughter, Skyler, was in grade school and remembers watching that in her class. That makes me sad that she had to learn at such a young age that this world isn't fair nor nice at times, but she knew her mommy loved her too. I called her school a couple of times that day, to check on her and the rest of the students. I wanted all my little chicks under my wing that day!!! I pray that God will comfort the precious families during this time in ways that no one else can!

2 years ago we were in New York City for a business trip for Mark. Another day I will never forget. On the subway, on the way to Ground Zero, we were riding along and this young lady got on the subway and at the next stop she came and sat by me. We started talking and I asked if she were from NYC and she said yes. I asked if she was born there and she said no. She was born in Ethiopia. Her mother had come over 10 years before for political asylum, our government granted it to them!! The kids came about 3 years later. I know my chin was on the floor because we were thinking of adopting from there. I told her this and she said we should! She told me a little about Ethiopia and we talked about many different things. Our stop was getting close and she asked me if she could say something and I said yes, of course. She said to Mark and me, "I just want to say, My country is so beautiful but so poor and needs so much help, if you could get just one child out that would be great. If you adopt a little girl from Ethiopia, I truly believe you will be doing God's work." I was crying by this time and she hugged me and shook hands with Mark. When we got off the subway, it was like OK God we don't need lightening bolts!! What are the chances that some people from a small town in Illinois would be on the subway with someone born in a small country in Africa, that they were thinking of adopting from??? God has ways of showing us what He wants us to do. I will never forget what she said to us!!

I just pray that we get to do this. Pray for us to do what God wants.

At Ground Zero, we saw many, many families and I cried. It was so sad. There is a small church, across the street. I met a woman who lost her daughter on 9-11, sitting on a bench there. I told her I was sorry. She and I talked a bit and then I got up and left her alone with her thoughts. She knew she was in ours.
God bless the families affected by this tragedy, God bless all of our families, God bless the people of Ethiopia, God bless the USA.

1 comment:

Julie (Bailey and Gavin's Mommy !) said...

Remembering those who lost their lives and praying for their families today...
Your post was beautiful !
God Bless~